
Our main offices are in Buenos Aires and Montevideo, which is probably from where we will answer your mails, unless we are traveling.

For booking requests, click here Learn Spanish in Argentina

The easiest way to reach us is by mail to [email protected]. Remember that if you want the 5% Learn Spanish in Chile Argentina and Uruguay discount on your courses you need to first send us an email to this address or directly pay the reservation fee. Direct walk-ins do not qualify for discounts. If you do want to walk up to our front door, here are the addresses of our schools:

Learn Spanish in Chile Argentina and Uruguay Patagonia Spanish Buenos Aires: Hipólito Yrigoyen 571 (Plaza de Mayo)

Learn Spanish in Chile Argentina and Uruguay Patagonia Spanish Montevideo: Juan Carlos Gómez 1408 (Old city)

Learn Spanish in Chile Argentina and Uruguay Patagonia Spanish Santiago de Chile: Triana 853 (Providencia)

Learn Spanish in Chile Argentina and Uruguay Patagonia Spanish Bariloche: Ada María Elflein 251 (Downtown)

Learn Spanish in Chile Argentina and Uruguay Patagonia Spanish Córdoba: Buenos Aires 563 (Downtown)

Learn Spanish in Chile Argentina and Uruguay Patagonia Spanish Mendoza: Pueyrredón 169 (Downtown)