All of our Spanish schools offer extracurricular activities, free of charge. These activities may include some of the following: visits to parts of town or the countryside, dance lessons (salsa, tango), movie nights, workshops on topics common to all study levels (phonetics, conversation, …), BBQ events, guided tours to museums, etc.

All of these activities are in Spanish, with a school guide. Apart from the fun aspect of discovering something new in a group, they are an important part of our immersion program, as they allow you (1) to discover the local culture we talk about during classes and (2) to listen in a different setting to Spanish speakers in a real-life setting.
Most of our schools offer a mix of fixed activities (movie and dance events, typically) with activities that change on a weekly basis. We try to incorporate events happening at each school site, such as concerts, shows and expositions.
Beyond these organized and guided events we always have suggestions for things to do around town and will be happy to give you recommendations!